
Glitched CH11: Heroes' Eyes

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"This is starting to piss me off," Ronnie muttered.
"What's starting to piss you off?" Arron asked.
"All these missed moments of awesome!" Ronnie said. "We're kicking ass and taking names, and no one even hears of our…our…"
"Yeah, there you go. No one ever hears of our exploits. What are those?"
Arron rubbed the bridge of his nose. Sometimes he just couldn't stand how dense everyone else was. "For lack of a better word, our adventures. Does that work?" Arron said.
"Meh, I'll take your word for it," Ronnie shrugged.
Suddenly, a voice crackled, as if it came from a radio. The two heroes looked at each other in confusion. "Was that you?" they said in unison.
It crackled again. This time, they heard, "…Come in…Ar…onni…"

"Sounds a bit muffled," Arron muttered. "Ronnie, you have a walkie-talkie or something on you?"
"No, just my gear," Ronnie replied. He pulled out the red GBA and added, "and the good old…Game…Boy?"
"…you left it on again, didn't you?" Arron asked. "There aren't many batteries around here, y'know."
"It's not that," Ronnie protested, "it's this." He showed Arron the screen. In spite of the fact the screen was black, noise came from it. It sounded like the voice they'd been hearing. "Arron, Ronnie, are either of you there?" Ronnie flipped the switch, and a brown-faced girl appeared on the screen. It wasn't too hard to figure out who it was.

"Hey, there they are!" Grace said excitedly. "Tedd, we broke through!"
"Um, hello?" Arron asked uneasily.
"Hey, guys," Tedd said, rushing into sight. "Looks like it works fine."
"Looks like what worked fine?" Ronnie asked.
"Remember when we said we upgraded your GBAs?" Grace asked. "Well, this was the upgrade! Now we can talk to each other!"
Arron simply shook his head. "Every moment that passes, I swear my sanity slips further into the void."
"Arron, your sanity took off the moment we met," Ronnie said. "Mine never existed."
"Obviously," Arron muttered. (People really need to quit muttering: I can barely write what they're saying when they do)

Ronnie suddenly looked worried. "Wait, if we're using the screen for talking, how am I gonna play my games?"
Grace went into deep thought. "Um…I don't know," she said quietly.
Arron looked on the back of the system out of curiosity. "There's not a cartridge in it," he remarked. He pulled out his copy of Shadowgate and inserted into the system. Grace's face disappeared and was replaced by the game's title screen.
"Hey! What's going on?!? It went all black on this side!" Grace yelled.
"Well, we'll know when we have a message," Ronnie smiled. "They speak louder than the game's sound."
Arron removed the game, and Tedd's face appeared on the screen. "Well, that answers your question, right? Cause I've got some important info for you two."
Ronnie looked up from the GBA. There was a gang of trolls coming their way. "Make it quick, we're about to have company. A lot of it."
"Right," Tedd replied. He cleared his throat and said, "It seems like someone's taken a liking to your bounty. They came to us asking about disguises. Three guesses as to what they were."
"Ninjas?" Ronnie said.
"Pirates?" Arron shrugged.
"Wrong, wrong, and wrong," Tedd said. "Robots. Why they want you two busted is beyond me. I can't think of why they'd want gold. But, we bugged them."
Ronnie waved at Arron, saying, "Deal with them, please. I'll tell you what Tedd tells me." With a smile, Arron took out his bow and ran forward. Ronnie turned his attention back and said, "What do you mean, bugged them?"

"We put a chip in their head," Tedd explained. "When they get in range, your GBA will give off a beeping sound. Nice little warning, right?"
"Not bad," Ronnie nodded. He suddenly ducked, missing an arrow by the width of a hair (which, if you don't know, is very, very small). "I said take CARE OF THEM!" Ronnie yelled.
"Give me a moment, damn it!" Arron shouted back.
"I'll give you a moment…" Ronnie muttered. He pulled a throwing axe out and threw it in the trolls' general direction. It hit the front troll right in the forehead, knocking him back. The troll to his left fell off the bridge, landing in the sea below. This is where the two heroes learned of how the Sea of Inconvenience got its name. Every time the troll resurfaced, he was screaming, with burn marks all over his body. The last time he resurfaced, it was nothing more than a skeleton. The others took notice and turned tail, yelling, "RUN!" and "Outta my way!" and one even said, "They ain't normal adventurers!"

"Anything else, Tedd?" Ronnie asked.
"Nope, that was it from me. Grace was ecstatic to finally use this thing, y'know," Tedd commented. Grace appeared, nodding her head with a big smile (no teeth).
"Well, we better cross the bridge, then," Arron said. "We're not that far from Bowerstone now."
"Be careful when you're there," Tedd warned. "Bowerstone isn't a place for the average person. One wrong move and they can throw you in the dungeons. Or worse…"
Ronnie shrugged. "Don't worry about us. We'll let you know if something's fishy."
"Ok, safe travels," Grace said.
Yeah, I was starting to lose track over everyone with the constant jumping around from Heroes to Villain to People Who Want Costume. So this is just from the viewpoint of the heroes this chapter. Hence the title? Next chapter will be from a different viewpoint. Maybe.
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